Fresh Living Nutrition

Helping You To Feel Your Best

Claire Munns

BANT registered Nutritional Therapist and Nutritionist

based in West Malling, Kent at Medicine Tree and The Malling Clinic.


Nutritional Therapy

1 to 1 appointment packages available to help you learn how to support the natural well-being of your body through nutrition and lifestyle adjustments.

Can you relate to any of the following?

Are you confused about what constitutes as healthy diet / lifestyle?

In the age of the information overload it can be confusing to know what is the right thing to do especially in the area of health and wellbeing where there is so much conflicting advice. The truth is we are all unique so there can be no one size fits all approach that is going to work for every person. I can help you understand what approaches are going to best suit your particular body type and lifestyle so you can make supportive choices for yourself going forward.

Are you not feeling as good as you want to?

Maybe your energy is low, your digestion is a bit unpredictable or you are getting some frequent persistent symptoms that you can’t seem to shift e.g. headaches, heartburn, bloating, aches, pains, skin rashes, too many episodes of colds / flu.

Our modern lifestyles tend to be busy and demanding which can put a strain on our physical bodies and cause some of our systems to become a little out of balance. I can help you identify what is being impacted in your body and help you make some adjusts to help address these issues.

Have been diagnosed with a chronic illness and you want to make sure you are doing best you can to manage it?

The impact of many chronic disease processes can be reduced through appropriate diet and lifestyle interventions. I can work with you, taking into account the approach that has been agreed by your GP or specialist, to help you support your body address the underlying patterns that led to the development of your illness. It can also be beneficial in some cases to address nutritional depletions that occur as a result of the regular intake of certain medications.

If you are nodding yes to some or all of the above do not worry you are not alone, all them were certainly true for me before I started my journey to health and wellness. It is not surprising either as health and wellbeing is not something that you have ever likely been taught in any detailed way. We copy what our parents, friends and teachers showed us but that may not suit our unique constitution. On top of that our bodies are under more pressure than ever from the busyness of 24/7 internet connected lives and exposure to huge numbers of chemicals in the air we breathe, cleaning / cosmetic products we use and the food we eat.

It doesn’t have to be this way though our bodies are incredibly resilient if we know how to support them correctly. Think how incredible you would feel waking up each morning with a healthy body which is vibrant and full of energy. What things would you do that you are not doing now?

Book your consultation here

Nutritional Education

I currently offer regular educational trainings through two partner organisations:

Communigrow and Conscious Business Community.