Claire Munns

My life outside of nutrition

love walking, specially with our dog / Allotment / Meditation / Tennis / Charity Communigrow / CBC / workshops


University & College

To qualify as a Nutritional Therapist, I completed a diploma in Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy at the College of Naturopathic Medicine which I passed with distinction in December 2020.

My background prior to nutritional therapy was in Environmental Science. I completed an undergraduate degree BSc (Hons) (First Class) in Natural Science at the University of East Anglia and spent 8 years working as Environmental Consultant specialising in land condition.

My Healing Journey

“I fight for my health every day in ways most people don’t understand. I’m not lazy. I’m a warrior.”

Health was an elusive ideal for me for a long time. I struggled under the weight of multiple issues which sapped my vitality and stopped me from being able to live the life I truly wanted. I was exhausted and in constant pain feeling like an 80-year-old trapped in the body of a 20 year old. It was a dark and lonely place that I would not wish on anyone especially when you do not have a clear idea of the way out.

Thankfully through working on both the health of my body and my mind using a wide range of healing modalities the future looks bright. I have learnt how to look after body and I am putting my health back together piece by piece. My energy levels are back where they should be and my pain is greatly reduced. Most importantly now when I look back, I am grateful for the journey as I would not be the person, I am today which the struggles I have experienced. I have learnt so much about the healing process and it has ignited a passion in me to share that with others.

To give you an idea some of the problems that I have experienced include asthma, allergies, M.E. / CFS, Fibromyalgia, hypermobility, twisted pelvis and spine, migraines, stomach ulcers, anxiety and PTSD. In the process of restoring my health I found the following healing modalities to be helpful nutritional therapy, herbal medicine, osteopathy, personal training, mindfulness based stress reduction, counselling, CBT, mickel therapy, therapeutic massage and reflexology.

My Approach

Staying fit is not only about exercise, it’s about an entire lifestyle change.

I work from a perspective of great respect for the body and its natural processes. The body knows what it is doing and whenever possible will return to a state of health. If that is not happening then my primary role is to try and identify the ‘why’ i.e. to look as much as possible for anything in the diet or lifestyle that is preventing or blocking the natural healing processes. Once the problem areas have been identified an action plan can be made through the food, supplements and lifestyle to provide the support needed by the body.

I do not follow or advocate any one particular ‘diet’ methodology I believe that we are all unique and that both diet and lifestyle will need to be adapted to suit each person rather than the other way around. Key principles that typically form the foundations of healthy diet are focusing primarily on whole foods in their natural unprocessed state, alongside choosing high quality food sources and increasing the variety of foods consumed. I find that choosing organic / chemical free foods, from small local producers and adopting a more seasonal eating pattern are great combination. If it appeals to you growing your own food is also a great option.

My aim to always to enable my clients to achieve sustainable results that they can maintain for the long term. This means that my plans will be manageable and I will help my clients to understand how to listen and respond to the needs of their body.

“Yoga is the unifying art of transforming dharma into action, be it through inspired thought, properly nurturing our children, a painting, a kindness or an act of peace. “
Anonymous • Quote of the Day
“Healthy plants and trees yield abundant flowers and fruits. Similarly, from a healthy person, smiles and happiness shine forth like the rays of the sun.”
Anonymous • Quote of the Day